An Alabama standard residential lease agreement is a legal document that allows a landlord to rent property to a tenant for a fixed term. The arrangement usually lasts for a contract term of one year and requires the tenant to pay rent on the first of every month. In any case, the two parties should discuss all lease conditions before signing.
An Alabama standard residential lease agreement is a legal document that allows a landlord to rent property to a tenant for a fixed term. The arrangement usually lasts for a contract term of one year and requires the tenant to pay rent on the first of every month. In any case, the two parties should discuss all lease conditions before signing.
PDF DownloadAn Alabama standard residential lease agreement is a legal document that allows a landlord to rent property to a tenant for a fixed term. The arrangement usually lasts for a contract term of one year and requires the tenant to pay rent on the first of every month. In any case, the two parties should discuss all lease conditions before signing.