Job offer letter template: with written statement

A template for a letter when offering someone a job. Free to use.

You can copy and paste the template text into an email or document.

This job offer letter includes the job's 'written statement of employment particulars'. It must be provided on or before the first day of employment.

If you want to send a job offer letter with the written statement attached as a separate document, use our job offer cover letter template.


[Successful candidate's full name]
[Successful candidate's address]

[Date of letter]

Dear [candidate's first name],

Following [the organisation's recent selection / your recent interview], I am writing to offer you the post of [title of job] at the salary of [amount] per year, starting on [start date].

On starting, you will report to [manager's name].

This is a [permanent / fixed-term / temporary post / temporary post to cover for maternity leave].

This letter forms part of your contract of employment.

The other terms and conditions of your employment will be:

[Optional] We will provide you with [the employee handbook / links to relevant information on the intranet / an induction pack] on your first day of employment.

As explained at your [assessment day / interview], this job offer is made subject to satisfactory results from necessary pre-employment checks.

If you have any queries on the contents of this letter or the pre-employment checks, please do not hesitate to contact me on [letter writer's telephone number] or [letter writer's email address].

To accept this offer, please sign this letter and send it back to [insert details].

We are delighted to offer you this opportunity and look forward to you joining the organisation and working with you.

[The letter writer's name and job title]

[Business or organisation name]
[Business or organisation address]

For the candidate to sign and return

I accept the job offer on the terms and conditions outlined in this letter.

Signed: [successful candidate to write their signature]

Name: [successful candidate to print their full name in capital letters]

Date: [insert date]

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