Speaking with one voice has made the EU the biggest player on the global trading scene and safeguards our safety, diversity and data-protection standards. International trade helps Europe and promotes democracy and better living conditions elsewhere.
The EU has simplified and harmonised international trade procedures to make it easier for EU business to import and export.
Accessing markets outside the EU is crucial for jobs and growth within the EU. The EU works to keep markets open, and trade flowing and fair.
EU trade policy, types of trade agreement, the status of trade negotiations, and the search for international trade policies.
EU trade policy helps developing countries reap the benefits of trade for inclusive growth and sustainable development.
The EU is working to prevent trade barriers created by new or changing technical regulations in different countries.
The EU provides clear information on requirements such as rules and tariffs to make it easier to import and export goods and services to and from the EU.
The TiSA agreement between the EU and other WTO countries will improve rules for licensing, financial services and professionals moving abroad.
Harmonised global rules make it easier for businesses around the world to trade, and they cut costs for consumers and businesses alike.