The Social Security Administration (SSA) has hundreds of separate offices across the country. Each office is responsible for handling social security issues such as distributing Social Security cards and payments in a specified region. If you have been given unfair treatment by any person or persons, you should file a complaint immediately. The sooner you file the complaint, the easier it will be for the SSA to investigate your complaint and resolve the issue.
Write a summary of the incident in question. Include the details of the incident, the date and office address where the incident occurred and explain why you feel you were treated unfairly. Include your name, contact information and Social Security number, plus the name of the person that treated you unfairly. Send the complaint summary to: The Chief Administrative Law Judge; Office of Disability Adjudication and Review; 5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 1608; Falls Church, VA 22041-3255. Follow up on the complaint by calling 800-772-1213. The representative can give you a status on the case. It may take several weeks before the complaint is investigated.
Go to the SSA's Complaint Form, which can be found in the "Resource" section below. Click on the "Complaint Form" link. Complete all of the fields. Enter your email address, select a subject (Service issues, for example) and enter your complaint in the subject field. Your complaint should include your name, address, a summary of the incident or issue, the SSA office address and your contact information. Then submit the complaint.