If you pay taxable wages in the ACT and you pay (or your group pays) monthly Australia-wide wages that exceed the ACT’s monthly threshold, you have to register for payroll tax in the ACT. By law, you must apply to register within 7 days after the end of the month that you go over the threshold amount.
As of 1 July 2016, the ACT’s monthly threshold is $166,666.66 per month.
In addition to new registrations, you can also use this form to:
Company A Pty Ltd - JRL/DGE/GM
Company B Pty Ltd - GM
Company C Pty Ltd - GMLI
In the above example, Company A Pty Ltd is the JRL and will lodge for itself and Company B Pty Ltd. This means Company B Pty Ltd does not lodge returns with the ACT Revenue Office. Company A Pty Ltd will lodge and include Company B Pty Ltd's wages and claim the threshold on their combined wages.
Company C Pty Ltd is still required to lodge returns with the ACT Revenue Office and will be charged at the flat rate of 6.85%.
When registering for payroll tax and lodging returns, you must declare your employer status. Your employer status relates to whether you are or are not part of a group, and affects your ability to claim the threshold, and how much of the threshold you can claim.
The 3 Employer Status Categories are:
An independent is not part of a payroll tax group and is entitled to claim the threshold.
As only one member of a group is allowed to claim the threshold, the members of the group can nominate one member to claim the payroll tax threshold. This is known as the Designated Group Employer (DGE). The DGE must be approved by the Commissioner.
A group may elect for the DGE to lodge a Joint Return on behalf of particular or all group members. In this instance, the DGE is known as a Joint Return Lodger (JRL). Where a DGE is a JRL, all members taxable wages are recorded on the one return and this member is entitled to claim the threshold. Only an approved DGE can apply to be a JRL.
Those members of the group included in a JRL nomination are not required to lodge monthly and annual returns. All other taxpayers who form part of the group, but are not included in the JRL nomination, are required to lodge monthly and annual returns as an Ordinary Group Employer.
Is an employer who pays taxable wages in the ACT and is part of a group. An Ordinary Group Employer is not allowed to claim the threshold and payroll tax is calculated at the relevant rate multiplied by their ACT taxable wages.
Incorrectly declaring your employer status, or not disclosing all members of your group, may result in your business over-paying or under-paying its payroll tax liability. Where you under-pay your payroll tax liability, depending on the circumstances and nature of the tax default, the Commissioner may apply penalty tax and interest.