Constitutional Amendments

27 Constitutional Amendments
The US Constitution can be changed or have additions made to it. These additions, deletions and modifications are referred to as Constitutional Amendments.

Constitutional Amendments History
The first 10 amendments to the Constitution were parceled together and passed by the first session of Congress in 1791. This group of the first constitutional amendments are called the Bill of Rights. An incredible number of Constitutional Amendments have since been introduced to Congress (over 5000) but only 33 of these have been accepted and formally proposed by Congress, although only 27 constitutional amendments have been ratified (approved). Only one of the constitutional amendments have been repealed (overturned) - the 21st Amendment that repealed Prohibition.

Constitutional Amendments 1 - 27
This page contains a summary of the Constitutional Amendments 1 - 27 with further access to additional, more detailed information. This selection of articles provide interesting facts and information about the Constitutional Amendments in a simplified format that is ideal for kids, schools and homework.

Constitutional Amendments: Article 5 of the US Constitution
Article V of the US Constitution deals with the process of making Constitutional Amendments. Article 5 of the US Constitution states that constitutional amendments have to be passed by a two-thirds majority in both houses of the legislature (upper and lower houses of Congress). Constitutional amendments must then be ratified by three-fourths of states. and then by the states. Alternative procedures are also provided, but these are rarely used.

Constitutional Amendments: The First 10 Constitutional Amendments - the Bill of Rights
The links provide access to interesting, detailed articles that explain the meanings of each of the first 10 constitutional amendments together with a very short, simplified summary of what these constitutional amendments actually mean. The simplified summaries of the constitutional give easy, simple information for kids, schools and homework. The historical time period and presidencies when each of the Constitutional Amendments were approved by Congress (ratified) is also explained, putting all of the Constitutional Amendments into the correct time period.

Constitutional Amendments: Constitutional Amendments 11 - 27
The links provide access to interesting, detailed articles that explain the meanings of each of the constitutional amendments numbered 11-27 together with a short, simplified summary of what these constitutional amendments actually mean. The simplified summaries of the constitutional amendments 11 - 27 provide easy, simple information for kids, schools and homework. The historical time period and presidencies when each of the Constitutional Amendments 11 - 27 were approved by Congress (ratified) is also explained, putting all of the Constitutional Amendments into the correct time period.