Designed as a text for the undergraduate students of all branches of engineering, this compendium gives an opportunity to learn and apply the popular drafting software AutoCAD in designing projects. The textbook is organized in three comprehensive parts. Part I (AutoCAD) deals with the basic commands of AutoCAD, a popular drafting software used by engineers and architects. Part II (Projection Techniques) contains various projection techniques used in engineering for technical drawings. These techniques have been explained with a number of line diagrams to make them simple to the students. Part III (Descriptive Geometry), mainly deals with 3-D objects that require imagination. The accompanying CD contains the animations using creative multimedia and PowerPoint presentations for all chapters. In a nutshell, this textbook will help students maintain their cutting edge in the professional job market. KEY FEATURES : Explains fundamentals of imagination skill in generic and basic forms to crystallize concepts. Includes chapters on aspects of technical drawing and AutoCAD as a tool. Treats problems in the third angle as well as first angle methods of projection in line with the revised code of Indian Standard Code of Practice for General Drawing.