Information for NYS Registered Pharmacy Establishments Nonresident, Out of State Manufacturer/Wholesaler/Repacker Application Requirements and Forms Registration Application Requirements & Forms Application Requirements & Forms Nonresident, Out of State Pharmacy Application Requirements and Forms Outsourcing Facility Application Requirements & Forms Listing of Outsourcing Facilities Meeting Agendas
Federal and State laws regulate all pharmacies, wholesalers, repackers and manufacturers that manufacture, distribute and dispense prescriptions drugs and prescription devices. New York State registers establishments as resident, in state establishments and nonresident, out of state establishments.
Registered establishments will automatically receive renewal applications by mail approximately 60 days prior to expiration of their registration. Therefore, it is critical that we be notified whenever there is a change of location. The applications available on these pages are for INITIAL registration or transfer of ownership of a pharmacy or pharmacy establishment, and/or CHANGES to existing registrations ONLY. Registration RENEWAL FORMS are not available online. Your customized registration renewal forms will automatically be mailed approximately 60 days prior to the expiration of your current registration.
To discontinue a registered establishment, the owner or corporate officer must complete and submit an online Pharmacy Discontinuance Form with the New York State Board of Pharmacy. Each online Discontinuance Form must be accompanied by an Owner Attestation Form which is signed by the owner or corporate officer and included as an attachment to the online Discontinuance Form upon its submission to the Pharmacy Board office.
An online Discontinuance Form should not be submitted until the establishment has ceased operations in New York State.
Online verification of the registration status of pharmacy establishments as well as the license and registration of licensed professionals can be performed free of charge at Online Verification Searches. An additional search can be performed to determine if an establishment or licensee has been disciplined by the Department.
Note:No other form of verification is available for pharmacy establishments. Please do not use the form "Request for Written Confirmation of New York State Licensure" for verification requests of establishments; that form is used only for certification or verification of licensed individuals, not registered establishments.
Please Note: Section 6502 (7) of the Education Law requires an additional fee of $25.00 to be charged to an applicant who submits a bad check to the Department for licensure or registration. Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, Part 59, stipulate that any licensee who pays a registration fee with a check which is not honored by the bank must submit a certified check, a bank check, or money order as a replacement payment within 60 days of notification by the Department. If the replacement payment is not received within 60 days, the department is authorized to revoke the licensee's registration.