Photography price lists are an excellent medium to promote your talent as well as tell your potential customers about the services you provide and the fees you charge. Your beautifully and innovatively designed price list will surely impress your customers and justify your pricing! It is an effective way of marketing your skills, useful for professional as well as amateur photographers and even wedding planners. Events like a bridal party, marketing photoshoot, newborn’s Christening, and sports event at school, all need to be remembered through photography or even videography. If you are in the business of taking snapshots, we have a rate card that can help guide you in the basic rules of selling your product by the hour and by photo.
Price lists need not be boring, bulleted, and simple. Have an interesting and innovative layout of text and photos, art pieces, etc. that captivates the viewers. The design must reflect your ingenious, talent as well as all the relevant information in brief. The design must give the impression that you can give something different from other competitors.
Your photos are your unique selling point. Photography price list in Word is one of the chances to show off your photography talent. Use your best and diverse photos to tell everyone that you can handle every event and style of photography. Your photos are good evidence of what services you provide.
Whatever text you write should be visible and understandable. The clear yet attractive font in a photography price list in Pages will impress your customer and won’t cause any confusion regarding pricing. You can mention individual services or even different kinds of packages to cater to a variety of customers. Make sure your text and information must be succinct, clear, and readable.
Try to mention important terms, conditions, and caveats regarding pricing and offered services in your price list in PDF. A few of the important ones are the application of taxes, refund and cancellation policies, etc. This keeps you in the clear and the customers clearly understand what they will get. This saves time later and you may concentrate on your work. This also prevents arguments, disagreements, and confusion.
Mention your and your studio’s or team’s name, contact details, etc. on the photography price list. This helps potential customers track you. People may see your work somewhere and try to find you. Also, the price list is created by you, so take credit for your work just like a painter signs his/her painting. For a wider selection of price list format templates, check out more options here.