Course requests are scheduled to begin in January (RIGHT AFTER BREAK) with the first group of juniors. Students will receive their group number in an email sent out the week of January 2nd. When your window opens, you will be able to log onto the course registration site and choose courses. The tentative schedule is as follows (based on total credits):
Course requests will be processed in order of Semester 1 grades. Make sure you select your courses carefully and submit your request during your assigned time frame. If you miss your assigned time frame, you will be able to request courses during the next time frame but will lose your "earlier group" priority.
Before submitting your course request, verify that you meet the requirements for the courses and that they follow the suggested curriculum that puts you on track for graduation. This information can be found on the Curriculum page. Courses being offered next school year can be found on the Course Catalog page.
Submitting your online course request does not guarantee enrollment. Once you select your courses, you will be prompted to answer a few additional questions. You will be REQUIRED to meet with your counselor. You will receive an email confirmation of your selected courses and a link to schedule your appointment with your counselor. You MUST be prepared for this meeting or else your course requests will not be held and you will have to wait until the next group of selection.
Social Science
The following courses are closed or have limited seats available for Course Selection.
Computer Science
Theater Arts
Social Science